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*Hana-kannon: Flowers-kannon (The gavestone) / 華観音 (墓石) 
*Cajon (The musical instrument)/ カフォーン(楽器)

*Hana-kannon:Flowers-kannon (The gavestone) / 華観音(墓石)
                                           Size:diameter approximately36p / 直径約36p
I painted on the granite. Before I painted, shaved the granite for fixing a paint. A term of the work is about one month.

At first I resarched the buddhism and Shinto about one year. Many Japanese people don't know about buddhism and Shinto, even if they do a ceremony of buddhism or Shinto. It's also I was.

Therefore I received instruction about them from the chief priest of the temple.

One of the motif, the lotus flower means represents creation and strength. It grows under the water in muddy swamps and rises to the surface as a really beautiful flower.

The back of this work, I imaged that the world around many flowers and the sea for ever and ever, just like the human heart.

What impressed me most about this work was the grave is the possession for the person who visit one.

So I painted with wish that the person who standing this grave become smile.

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*Cajon (The musical instrument)/ カフォーン(楽器)

The cajon is a musical instrument that believed to have originated in Peru. It was African native drums.The musical instrument has evolved considerably from it's origins as a discarded wooden box.

Japanese folklore says that jumping rabbits stay in the full moon. I painted my imagination of the harvest moon and imaginary animals, the dragon and phoenix.

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★ 自然と人とが共存する世界を描く「画家:近藤ちひろ」 ★

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